School Climate and PBIS
School climate refers to the quality and character of school life.
Also called education climate, school climate is how the school experience “feels” related to safety, teaching and learning, interpersonal relationships, and the physical building.
A positive school climate improves academic performance, attendance, social emotional learning, and life skills of children and youth. A positive school environment also has been shown to increase teacher retention, lower dropout rates, decrease incidences of violence, reduce the need for out-of-school suspensions, and increase student achievement.
Learn more here about positive behavior support and how it can be initiated in your local school to alter the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ into a ‘school-to-opportunity.
See below for more information about school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) for your Georgia school.
Georgia Resources
- Georgia Department of Education – Interested in PBIS Implementation?
- Georgia Department of Education – Overview of PBIS
Federal Resources
- Supportive School Discipline Webinar – January 2014
- Guidance on School Discipline
- US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights
- US Department of Justice
Videos on PBIS
Video 1 of 5: Why Positive Learning Climates Matter
Created by Metro Regional Education Service Agency, Bright From the Start:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL), and the Georgia
Department of Education; produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting; and funded by a grant from the David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund—Atlanta.

Related Resources and Links