Kids in Class: Additional Resources
Resources that help communities understand the scope of the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ and to achieve better outcomes for students and their families.
- Effective Student Discipline: Keeping Kids in Class: An Assessment of Georgia’s Public School Disciplinary Policies, Practices and Outcomes This report provides a comprehensive, objective assessment of public school student discipline in Georgia and identifies changes that could benefit all of Georgia’s students.
- Georgia Parent Support Network (GPSN) – The community-based network aims to provide support for parents of children with severe emotional disturbances and advocate for comprehensive, family-driven mental health services while also reducing the stigma of mental illness and administering programs that fill gaps in the existing mental health system in Georgia.
- Parent to Parent of Georgia offers a variety of services to Georgia families of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
- The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s K-12 Discipline Dashboard provides additional information about school discipline rates
- Georgia Insights is an initiative of the Georgia Department of Education, focused on improving the clarity and accessibility of district and school-level data (including School Climate!) through public-friendly and easy-to-use dashboards.

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