School Justice Partnerships
A cross-community collaboration of stakeholders partnering to keep kids in schools and out of the criminal justice system.
School Justice Partnerships (SJPs) are collaborations between schools, juvenile justice systems, and other community stakeholders that work to prevent children from becoming involved in the criminal justice system. SJPs aim to reduce the number of students who are suspended, expelled, or referred to juvenile court by providing early interventions and support services to help students succeed in school.
SJPs also promote the use of restorative practices, which focus on repairing harm caused by behavior rather than punishing the offender. Restorative practices may include mediation, conflict resolution, and other forms of community-based justice that emphasize repairing relationships and addressing underlying issues that may have contributed to the behavior.
The collaboration between schools, juvenile justice systems, and other community stakeholders in SJPs is essential for improving outcomes for students. By working together, these stakeholders can identify and address the root causes of problematic behavior, provide students with the support they need to succeed in school, and help prevent them from entering the criminal justice system.
Use the following resources to launch a successful school justice partnership in your community: