FAIR Project
FAIR: Fairness, Advocacy, Individualized Representation
Children in foster care face unique barriers to school success. To help them succeed in school, Georgia Appleseed works at the individual, community, and system levels. We provide direct legal representation for children in care facing suspension or expulsion from school, we train families and caseworkers to grow the community of advocates for children in care, and we develop and advocate for policy reform to make change at the systemic level.
The hundreds of children who participate in the FAIR Project every year see significant improvements in educational supports and fewer days out of school for discipline challenges.
The hundreds of children who participate in the FAIR Project every year see significant improvements in educational supports and fewer days out of school for discipline challenges.
Overview of FAIR – Fairness, Advocacy, Individualized Representation – and how to refer children for our services.
Free online courses for parents, foster parents, caseworkers, attorneys and schools staff to learn about advocating for children facing disciplinary…
Overview of FAIR – Fairness, Advocacy, Individualized Representation – and how to refer children for our services.
Resources for parents, foster parents, caseworkers, attorneys and schools.