Right to Education

Every child in Georgia has the right to a free public education, regardless of immigration status. 


Access for All Students

Public schools cannot deny enrollment based on immigration status or require unnecessary documentation. All children — regardless of immigration or citizenship status— have a right to a public K-12 education under federal law (including the landmark Plyler v. Doe decision.)

New Policy Changes

In January 2025, federal policy changes removed protections that had limited immigration enforcement on school property. However, schools still must enroll all students meeting age and residence requirements, without inquiring about a students’ legal status. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents schools from sharing immigration status or personal information without legal authorization.

Existing Educational Rights

All Georgia students and families have important rights, including:

  • Enrollment: The right to enroll and stay in school without regardless of immigration status.
  • Privacy: The right for students’ records – including home addresses – to be private and confidential.
  • Access: The right to access all public educational resources and supports.
  • Due process: The right to protections (like notice, and a school hearing) before long-term suspension or expulsion from school.


Learn More

For more information and help with protecting the rights of immigrant students, contact our partner organizations (see links to the right).