Past Initiative: Heir Property Ownership

Note: As of 2015, Georgia Appleseed no longer handles inquiries regarding heirs property. For assistance, please contact the Georgia Heirs Property Law Center.

About Georgia Heirs Property Law Center

For legal support and resources for resolving heirs property matters, reach out to the Georgia Heirs Property Law Center, which spun-off from Georgia Appleseed in 2015. Visit their website at or call them directly at 706-424-7557.

What is Heirs Property?

Heirs property refers to land that is jointly owned by descendants of a deceased person whose estate did not go through a legal probate process. As a result, the property is passed down through generations without a clear title, often leading to complex legal and familial disputes. Key challenges include:

  • Fragmented Ownership: Multiple heirs may inherit undivided interests in the property, making decisions about its use and management difficult.
  • Legal Vulnerability: Without a clear title, heirs property is more susceptible to partition sales, where the property can be sold without the consent of all owners.
  • Access to Resources: Owners of heirs property may face challenges in accessing loans, grants, and other resources for property improvement or development.

Unlocking Heir Property Ownership (2013)

In 2013, prior to spinning off the Georgia Heirs Property Law Center, Georgia Appleseed developed “Unlocking Heir Property Ownership: Assessing the Impact on Low and Mid-Income Georgians and Their Communities” to provide guidance on resolving issues related to heirs property. More than a decade later, this resource remains a tool for:

  • Detailed information on the challenges and solutions related to heirs property.
  • Practical steps for resolving heirs property disputes.
  • An explanation of the legal context and processes involved in establishing clear property ownership.